“A Year To Remember” Performance
Divine Show!
Shelly Barnard
Stellar performances!
Donna Douglass
Beautiful music, wonderful dance, profound message, sublime show!
Edward DeFreece Grout
“And if Not Now, When” Performance
“…one of the most powerful evening ever created by Dafna… If people don’t know Dafmark Dance Theater, this is the production that
reveals an artistic pearl in our midst.”
Mary Birdsong, Erie Reader
“A Still Unfinished Journey” Performance
“Last night’s performance was filled with depth… Passion and talent! Thank you for sharing your vision. It was truly magical.”
Kristen Marir April 2, 2016
“And… as if today weren’t already blessing upon blessing, tonight’s Dafmark Dance masterpiece was the celestial sprinkles on the cake.
Erie is the place where great art is born. I am serious…”
Ruth Ann Scanzillo April 3, 2016
“Pictures in Motion at an Exhibit”
“While the program has lamenting dances, there are joyous moments, too. The exuberant, jitterbugging set to Glenn Miller’s “In The
Mood” was an element of life in the camps, and Shimomura depicts these dances (albeit with spectral, shadowing military guards
observing the gaiety).”
John Chacona, Erie Times News
“Missing, Remembering: A Tribute to 9/11”
“The dance begins and now the room doesn’t feel empty at all—maybe close, intimate even, as the room likely can hold a hundred or so
viewers but I’m sitting right in front.”
Ben Speggen, Erie Reader
“Rite of Spring”
“…Passion is at the heart of the Rite… It’s audacious stuff and true to the pioneering spirit of both the composer and the couturier
(the clearly feminist subtext would undoubtedly have pleased Coco Chanel)… a bold articulation of the layers – layers of meaning
and sound… an idea that stands so far apart in dance that you tackle only when you have a body of work that proves that you can do it.
John Chacona, Erie Times News Contributing Writer, April 27, 2011